Join us for mindfulness/meditation practices (Ch’an) and sharing (Chat) facilitated by Buddhist Chaplain! SFU Burnaby Multifaith Centre @ AQ3210 every...
Join us for mindfulness/meditation practices (Ch’an) and sharing (Chat) facilitated by Buddhist Chaplain! UBC Life Building 1303 every first Thursday...
「佛教知識入門」線上課程 佛法浩瀚深廣,初學者要認識佛法,找到適切修行方法,並非易事。為讓大眾認識佛教的基本知識及行儀,加苑與香港東蓮覺苑合辦「佛教知識入門」講座,與大眾廣結法緣,歡迎有意親近三寶及修學佛法的人士報名。 網上報名: "Introduction to Buddhism" online program The vastness and depth of Buddhist teachings make it challenging for...
「佛教知識入門」線上課程 佛法浩瀚深廣,初學者要認識佛法,找到適切修行方法,並非易事。為讓大眾認識佛教的基本知識及行儀,加苑與香港東蓮覺苑合辦「佛教知識入門」講座,與大眾廣結法緣,歡迎有意親近三寶及修學佛法的人士報名。 網上報名: "Introduction to Buddhism" online program The vastness and depth of Buddhist teachings make it challenging for...
Join us for mindfulness/meditation practices (Ch’an) and sharing (Chat) facilitated by Buddhist Chaplain! SFU Burnaby Multifaith Centre @ AQ3210 every...
「佛教知識入門」線上課程 佛法浩瀚深廣,初學者要認識佛法,找到適切修行方法,並非易事。為讓大眾認識佛教的基本知識及行儀,加苑與香港東蓮覺苑合辦「佛教知識入門」講座,與大眾廣結法緣,歡迎有意親近三寶及修學佛法的人士報名。 網上報名: "Introduction to Buddhism" online program The vastness and depth of Buddhist teachings make it challenging for...