Regular mindfulness practice (English)

To facilitate regular mindfulness practice after courses, we invite you all to attend our monthly group practices online. In English: every second...

《「淨樂音緣」空靈鼓》 “Purifying Connections” Tongue Drum Course

加苑開展《淨樂音緣》空靈鼓課程,恭請慧量法師授課,透過空靈鼓悠揚純淨的音色,學習演奏五會念佛音聲與唱誦,讓學員放下煩惱,專注當下,進入內心的寧靜與祥和,在通透空靈的樂聲中,體悟人間音緣與的真善美。 TLKYCS will launch the “Purifying Connections” Tongue Drum course in February. We are honored to invite Venerable Wai Leung to teach...

《「淨樂音緣」空靈鼓》 “Purifying Connections” Tongue Drum Course

加苑開展《淨樂音緣》空靈鼓課程,恭請慧量法師授課,透過空靈鼓悠揚純淨的音色,學習演奏五會念佛音聲與唱誦,讓學員放下煩惱,專注當下,進入內心的寧靜與祥和,在通透空靈的樂聲中,體悟人間音緣與的真善美。 TLKYCS will launch the "Purifying Connections" Tongue Drum course in February. We are honored to invite Venerable Wai Leung to teach...