Photo Contest Results Announcement

[ Photo Contest Results Announcement]

The photo contest hosted by TLKYCS was held in April. Participants submitted their entries on the theme of “Compassion”. The top 3 prizes , finalists, and online popularity awards were selected after in-depth review by our judging panel and collecting public feedback on social media platforms:

冠、亞、季軍 Top 3 Prizes: 

(1) 冠軍 Winner:《環宇有情》— Kam Fat Danny Chan

(2) 亞軍 First runner-up:”Karuna”— Philip Pua 

(3) 季軍 Second runner-up:”As the Way” — Emir Kahn Bautista


《佛情草木深》— Yuxuan Zou    

《晚櫻》— Chu Fook Pui

《晶瑩剔透,慈愛普照,照見真我》— Chong Shing Kei

“Life is like a circle” — Jung Kyu Na      

《慈愛無邊》— 黃泳怡

★ 網上人氣大獎 Online Popularity Awards:

《澄明·油燈》— Suet Man, Kwan

“Gratitude to dead and life”— Siu Chui Yip

相片册 Photo Album:…


Congratulations to all the winners! We are most grateful for the judging panel, including Abbot Tsang Chit, Ven. Chang Lin, and Ven. Yin Kit, as well as all the participants for their valuable support. We will notify awardees on further details!

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