
【加苑30周年 萬善緣吉祥普利勝會】
The Great Assembly to Benefit All Beings
30th Anniversary Celebration of the Canada Society

欣逢 加拿大東蓮覺苑建苑三十周年誌慶,啟建 萬善緣吉祥普利勝會。為此,東蓮覺苑製作了一系列片段為大眾介紹焰口法會。邀請大眾觀看《焰口知識》第二集。

The Great Assembly to Benefit All Beings will be held in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Canada Society. The Society has produced a video series to introduce the Assembly in detail. Please enjoy the second episode of “About Yogacara (Yankou)”

恭請 海內外大德 蒞臨
以十方悲心願力 結萬善緣功德海

The Assembly will invite Venerables local and afar, together with the compassion and devotion from all directions, all converge into the virtuous ocean of boundless skilful means.

June 2 to June 9

查詢及報名 For enquiry and registration: (604) 255-6337

#加拿大東蓮覺苑 #三十周年 #萬善緣吉祥普利勝會 #焰口 #解冤釋結 #TLKYCS #30thAnniversary #GreatAssemblytoBenefitAllBeings #YogacaraOffering #Yankou #RepentancePractice